首页 学者 度 & 项目 营养与营养学,B.S.


Immaculata’s Nutrition and Dietetics major is designed to prepare you for professional practice through a combination of experiential learning and cultural competence.

学习食物科学和健康饮食, 提高你在营养咨询方面的技能, 教育社区和安全烹饪食物.

对营养专业人员的需求从未像现在这样重要 当我们在一个有着不同饮食需求的世界里航行时, 文化饮食习惯和不断发展的人体营养科学.

  • 获得良好的准备,在这个认可的程序领域.
  • 参加体验式学习,为营养学专业实践做准备.
  • Complete a faculty-mentored 研究 project to learn more about people’s knowledge of nutrition and their eating habits.
  • 继续在印第安纳大学的硕士课程学习.S. 临床营养学实习. 你可能符合Immaculata节省时间的3+2 B.S. 和M.S.让你在短短三年内获得学士学位.


计划: 理学学士
观众: 本科生
格式: 面对面的类
下次开始日期: 2024年8月26日
完成时间 四年

"Immaculata’s Nutrition program has exceeded my expectations by providing me with opportunities and experiences in 食品服务, 社区和临床职位. This program has not only expanded my knowledge and 教育 but has prepared me academically for further studies. 我发现每门课程都在某种程度上对我有益. 一些课程提高了我的写作技巧, 许多人教会了我食物背后的科学, 我们的身体和饮食如何影响我们的健康, 而其他人教我怎么做蛋奶酥! 这些多样化的课程向学生展示了营养和营养学提供的各种职业道路. 教师们既支持又鼓励, 这让我在作为学生和职场中感到更加准备和自信. This has inspired me to become a Registered Dietitian by furthering my 教育 through a master’s degree and 实习 at Immaculata大学."

Karina Ellis, 22岁

Immaculata的营养和营养学专业旨在为您准备一个 饮食实习. 我们的课程在整个课程中强调文化能力, 开设医学营养治疗专业课程, 咨询, 教育, 社区营养, 研究, 食品服务管理.

除了学习这些专业实践的基本组成部分, 我们的营养学教学项目(DPD)包含了大量的体验式学习 . 学生毕业时至少有150小时,涵盖各种临床经验, 社区, 食品服务营养. 教师将帮助指导学生进行有监督的实习安排, 但是学生最终要为这些时间的定位负责.

这种体验式学习为学生提供了应用知识的机会, 批判性的思考, and have a better understanding of what the day-to-day profession of the registered dietitian nutritionist is like. This experience will help you be prepared for the 饮食实习 that you complete after finishing your undergraduate program.

除了, students who major in Nutrition and Dietetics at Immaculata are also members in the Student Dietetic Association that offers different clubs and numerous activities to provide students with opportunities to socialize and build professional and leadership skills.

学生可以在Immaculata继续他们的教育 临床营养学理学硕士.


A degree in nutrition and dietetics prepares you for a variety of career opportunities including: 社区营养; sports nutrition 咨询; fitness and wellness centers; schools, colleges and universities; 食品服务 management; Women, 婴儿, and Children (WIC) programs and other public health agencies; home care, 欠发达国家项目, e.g. Peace Corps, United Nations; hospitals and long-term care facilities; specialized patient care, e.g., 运动员, pediatrics; rehabilitation centers; private practice; nutrition 研究 laboratories and pharmaceutical industry.

Immaculata大学的营养学教学计划(DPD)获得了美国食品和药物管理局的认证 营养及营养学教育认可委员会 营养与饮食学会的研究员, 南滨江广场120号, 2190套房, 芝加哥, IL, 60606-6995, (312) 899-0040转5400.


DPD项目费用是预估的. 我们不能预期所有费用. 可能会有额外的费用.

  • 文本和资源材料(每门课程约200美元)
  • 部门费用
    • 食品科学实验室及用品费(每门实验课程约$70)
    • FNU 359和FNU 370的实习费用(两门课程55美元)
  • 医疗保险

可能需要额外的文件费用,包括:儿童虐待清除筛查, 流感疫苗, 犯罪背景调查和药物测试.

3+2 B.S. 和研究生营养计划

IU是3+2年期的B.S. 和M.S. 允许你在短短三年内获得学士学位,并申请印第安纳大学 M.S. 临床营养学实习, which provides the academic preparation and supervised practice necessary to become a registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN). 要符合3+2课程选择的资格,您必须满足以下要求 入学要求 高中GPA的最低要求, 推荐信, 一篇论文和一个项目主管的面试. 你全年都要上课,化学和生物的成绩必须至少达到C, 食品和营养课程得了B, 3分.0的绩点.


本科生 in the Nutrition and Dietetics program are required to have a minimum overall GPA of 2.在FNU的所有课程中获得最低B-的成绩才能毕业并收到验证声明. This document is required to apply for a 饮食实习 or to be eligible to take the exam to be a Registered Dietetics Technician.

  • Transfer students are required to complete a minimum of 12 credits at Immaculata大学 to complete the DPD and receive the Verification Statement.

Students who meet the minimum GPA but have earned lower than a B- in any FNU course(s) must repeat the course(s) before graduation and earn at least the minimum grade requirement to receive a Verification Statement. 如果学生没有达到项目的最低和/或总GPA要求, 他们仍然可以毕业,但不会获得验证声明.


All undergraduate students must meet both the institutional degree requirements outlined in the university’s 本科目录 在“学术生活”部分, 在“学位要求”的副标题下,以及特定专业/课程的要求.

如目录中所述, 在伊玛库拉塔大学完成学士学位, 候选人必须:

  • fulfill the general (major and core) curriculum requirements of the college (including ethics and writing intensive requirements);
  • earn a minimum of 126 credit hours if a student in the College of Adult Professional Studies and 128 credit hours if a student in the College of Undergraduate Studies, GPA不低于2分.00 (C).
  • 如果被本科学院录取, 完成一年级研讨会(FYS)课程和两个体育课时;
  • 满足所选专业的部门要求.

The mission of the Didactic Program in Dietetics (DPD) at Immaculata大学 is to provide 教育al excellence that prepares graduates for supervised practice, 使他们有资格参加CDR资格考试,成为注册营养师. The Didactic Program also strives to promote a lifelong appreciation for the attributes of a liberal arts 教育 beyond graduation, 包括道德操守, 服务, 正义, 与和平.


目标1 -毕业生将在营养和营养学领域做好准备, 表现出逻辑性和批判性思维, 独立学习, 知识的整合.

  • 目标1.1: At least 80% of program students complete program/degree requirements within 6 years (150%) of the program length.
  • 目标1.2: Graduates who respond to the post-program completion survey will rank program satisfaction as a minimum overall mean score of 4.满分5分.0.
  • 目标1.3: 80% of supervised practice program directors will indicate overall satisfaction with graduate’s preparation for supervised practice.

目标2 -成功完成DPD课程的毕业生将有资格参加监督实习, 研究生院, 或就业.

  • 目标2.1: At least 70% of program graduates apply for admission to a supervised practice program prior to or within 12 months of graduation.
  • 目标2.2申请参加有监督的实习项目的毕业生, 至少70%的学生在毕业后12个月内被录取.
  • 目标2.3: The programs one-year pass rate (graduates who pass the registration exam within one year of first attempt) on the CDR credentialing exam for dietitian nutritionists is at least 80%.
  • 目标2.4: Graduates who respond to the post-program completion survey will indicate that the program promoted mastery of subject material to prepare them f或就业 as a minimum overall mean score of 4.5的0次方.0.

目标3—— 毕业生将准备在多元文化社会中有效地交流思想, 尊重多样性的同时, 展现个人诚信, 表现出道德行为.

  • 目标3.1: Graduates who respond to the post-program completion survey will rank preparedness to work professionally and communicate within a multicultural society as a minimum overall mean score of 4.满分5分.0.
  • 目标3.2: Graduates who respond to the post-program completion survey will rank overall coursework relating to professional growth as a minimum overall mean score of 4.满分5分.0.


After completing your bachelor’s in Nutrition and Dietetics from Immaculata and receiving your Verification Statement confirming your eligibility to apply for an 实习, Immaculata营养学院在你申请和匹配实习时为你提供建议和支持. 然而, 因为营养学实习的竞争非常激烈, 不能保证你一定能找到实习网站.

我们最近的毕业生对爱玛客等地的实习项目的录取率很高, Inspira健康网络, 约翰霍普金斯医学中心, 路易斯·斯托克斯克利夫兰医疗中心, 丹佛城市大学, 马里兰大学医学中心, 以及其他各种实习项目.

所有营养学实习都要求1,在临床或社区营养方面有200小时的监督实践, 食品服务, 以及其他领域. 一旦你顺利完成实习, 你必须通过CDR资格考试才能成为注册营养师. 更多信息请点击这里.

有兴趣成为注册饮食技术员(DTR)的人士可以 点击这里了解更多.



23岁的卡莲娜·根茨林格(Karenna Genzlinger)对一个重视可持续性并提供灵活时间表的领域感兴趣. 伊玛库拉塔的营养计划非常适合我.




学生/教师比例为10:1, 个性化的学术关注是Immaculata课程的一个标志.



Immaculata's 60+ undergraduate programs and 12+ graduate programs provide career-focused 教育 for in-demand jobs.



从30多个组织中选择建立关系, 拓宽视野,获得领导经验.

